The travel diaries: preparations

Today's the day. I am actually inside the plane as I write this. 


Yes yes, it is my first time going there but, if I can be honest, just the idea of traveling is enough to get me all giddy and excited.

So, how did I prepare for this trip?

1. Check the weather forecast!!
As inconstant as London may be, it's always a good idea to know which clothes to bring!

2. Make a list of what you need to pack!

And this wasn't even complete at the time!!

3. Bring acessories good enough to fight the cold. Use a backpack.
London is cold this time of the year and very windy. Enough said.
Backpacks can carry a lot of items inside and you can wear them at the airport and while you're sightseeing, keeping your back painfree. 

Well, I'll share some more tips next time.
For now, sayonara Lisbon.



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