The travel diaries: Hong Kong part 1

After two weeks of Japan, it was time to head to more familiar territories.
Albus and I made our way to Hong Kong.

In 2016, I spent only a few hours in Hong Kong, meeting a friend for dinner. This time, I was determined to explore a little more. Even if I had to face rain and thunders.

Hong Kong is a very easy city to navigate. The transportation system is super convenient and works wonderfully. On day one, it was time to visit the Ladies' Market and stroll around. Rain, go away!

After walking around Central, it was time to hike The Peak. You'd think I had enough of trails and mountains by now. My friends had other plans.

Good thing we did it, the views were beautiful.


Day two was all about exploring Man Mo Temple, one of Hong Kong's main attractions. Afterwards, it was time to walk around town.

Day three was about exploring the neighbouring islands. I picked Lamma Island.

Get yourself a camera with a timer and strike a pose after positioning the camera! And then, snap a picture of Albus!

A boat ride back to Central and a very tough bus ride (I get motion sickness in mountain roads) later, Albus and I arrived in Stanley. Time to hit the market and explore the bay.

Later in the evening, Albus requested we checked out the Avenue of Stars and the light show. What a s**t show, but the views were pretty, ahah!

This is it for the first few days! Hong Kong was winning my heart, hectic and chaotic as she was!
Check back later for more HK diaries!



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